Dr. Luciano Tracia, is an Italian plastic surgeon who works at the American Hospital Dubai,
Dubai, UAE.
Dr. Luciano Tracia, obtained his degree in Medicine and Surgery at the age of 25, with full marks (110/110 cum laude) in Catania, Italy in 2010.
In the same year he also obtained the qualification to practice the medical-surgical profession.
In 2011 he passed the exam to be admitted in the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery residency program in Catania.
In 5 years he obtained the specialization in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, again with full marks (50/50 cum laude).
During his working activity in Italy, he performed Breast Reconstruction, Hand Surgery, Microsurgery and Aesthetic Surgery in many clinics and hospitals:
⦁ Cannizzaro Hospital, Catania, Italy
• San Vincenzo Hospital, Taormina, Italy
• Chi.Pla Clinic, Catania, Italy
Surgeon with international experience, he spent several years traveling around Europe attending avant-garde centers in the breast reconstruction and microsurgery sector:
• Timisoara, Romania | Pius Branzeu Center | Prof. Lucian Jiga and Prof. M. Ionac
Where he carries out an advanced microsurgery course and becomes an INSTRUCTOR of the 31st Vessel and Nerve Microsurgery Seminar
• Madrid, Spain | Puerta de Hierro University Hospital | Prof. J.R. Castello
Another canter of excellence for microsurgery and post-oncological reconstructive surgery, especially of the breast
• Brussels, Belgium | Hospital Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussels | Prof. M. Hamdi
He works together with one of the leading exponents of breast surgery worldwide, improving his techniques and acquiring new and exclusive ones.
Reaches the level of the art in cosmetic surgery, working in the largest Aesthetic Surgery center in Europe, with over 3000 operations per year:
• Akademikliniken | Stockholm, Sweden | directed by Prof. Per Heden
Here he learns the study of body geometries and acquires an innovative method for Breast Augmentation (Akademikliniken Method).
In 2018 he moved to Dubai, UEA where he began his activity in various cosmetic surgery clinics before being hired, in 2020 at the American Hospital Dubai.
After just over a year, he became Director of the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery unit, a role he still holds today.
Co-author of numerous publications and books in prestigious scientific journals, which can be consulted through the Pubmed search engine
Book Co-author:
Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Management of the Breast, Third Edition Boca Raton: CRC Press [ Kronowitz, S. J., Benson, J. R., Nava, M. B.] https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003005476
Chapter 11.3.2 - Breast-conserving surgery and partial breast reconstruction (oncoplastic repair) - Europe Approach
Moustapha Hamdi - Luciano Tracia
Keep up to date by participating in numerous courses and congresses around the world.
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I have only the best to say about Dr. Luciano Tracia, he is very professional and put me totally on easy about my implants and breast lift. Dr Luciano spend his time with me explaining the procedure and expected results and guide me in what to get that will look best on my body. He is very down to earth and very easy to reach out. i`m the mother of two and can`t be more happier with the breast augmentation that i done with him and that was the best decision i could have made as i could not be more pleased with the results.
It was my first experience with aesthetic surgery and it has been amazing for the professionalism in consultation, the care but most of all the results. Definitely over expectations.
Professionale, competente, cordiale e disponibile! Con lui sarai sempre a tuo agio perchè ti saprà fornire tutti i chiarimenti necessari, chiarire qualsiasi dubbio e saprà consigliare il trattamento più giusto da fare, il tutto sempre con il sorriso!
Professionale, all'avanguardia, gentile, cordiale e sopratutto molto scrupoloso. Chi si affida a lui è in ottime mani!
Dopo aver consultato diversi chirurghi ho deciso di affidarmi al Dott. Tracia che tra tutti è riuscito a comprendere a fondo il mio problema. Abbiamo valutato insieme gli obiettivi da raggiungere e tutte le possibili soluzioni, optando poi per quella più affine alle mie esigenze. Sono felicissima della scelta fatta, professionale e scrupoloso, aggiornatissimo e amichevole, mi ha supportata durante l'intero percorso.
Professionale, preciso e disponibile con i pazienti. All'avanguardia nel suo settore.. sarete in ottime mani.
Sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa della gentilezza, professionalità e competenza del Dottore Tracia.
Chirurgo estremamente competente e professionale, affidarsi è una garanzia in termini di obiettivi clinici raggiunti e risultato estetico.
Professionale, all'avanguardia, disponibile e obiettivo. Andare dal chirurgo e ritrovarsi in famiglia credo non sia una cosa molto comune. Mi ha seguito, passo dopo passo, durante tutto il percorso, senza lasciarmi sola un istante, dalla definizione degli obiettivi al risultato finale, e facendomi sentire costantemente a mio agio. Soddisfattissima dei risultati ottenuti, non avrei potuto chiedere di meglio.